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Showing posts from 2016

Goodbye Letter to his (Che Guevara) Children

If you read this letter one day, it will mean that I am no longer alive. You will hardly remember me, and the smallest among you will have entirely forgotten me. Your father was a man who acted as he thought best and who has been absolutely faithful to his convictions.  Grow up into good revolutionaries. Study hard to master technique, which gives you mastery over nature. Remember that it is the Revolution which is important and that each of us, taken in isolation, is worth nothing.  Above all be sensitive, in the deepest areas of yourselves, to any injustice committed against whoever it may be anywhere in the world. Yours always, my children. I hope to see you again. A big strong kiss from Daddy. Click here for the source  

Excerpt from Fidel Castro's speech at Havana's May Day celebrations on May 2, 1961 - Less than two weeks after the Bay of Pigs invasion

We have been witnesses, all of us Cubans, of every step taken by the revolution, so maybe we cannot realize how much we have advanced as fully as can be understood by visitors, particularly those visitors from Latin America, where today they are still living in a world very similar to the one we lived in yesterday. It is as if they were suddenly transported from the past to the present of our revolution, with all its extraordinary progress as compared to the past. We do not intend tonight to stress the merit of what we have done. We merely want to locate ourselves at the point where we are at the present. We had a chance today to see genuine results of the revolution on this May Day, so different from the May Days of the past. Formerly that date was the occasion for each sector of labor to set forth its demands, its aspirations for improvement, to men who were deaf to the working class interests, men who could not even accede to those basic demands because they did not govern for t...

Farewell letter from Che to Fidel Castro

Fidel: At this moment I remember many things: when I met you in Maria Antonia's house, when you proposed I come along, all the tensions involved in the preparations. One day they came by and asked who should be notified in case of death, and the real possibility of it struck us all. Later we knew it was true, that in a revolution one wins or dies (if it is a real one). Many comrades fell along the way to victory. Today everything has a less dramatic tone, because we are more mature, but the event repeats itself. I feel that I have fulfilled the part of my duty that tied me to the Cuban revolution in its territory, and I say farewell to you, to the comrades, to your people, who now are mine. I formally resign my positions in the leadership of the party, my post as minister, my rank of commander, and my Cuban citizenship. Nothing legal binds me to Cuba. The only ties are of another nature — those that cannot be broken as can appointments to posts. Reviewing my past l...

The decision to further liberalise the FDI and its impact on Indian ecponomy

Well in my opinion India is struggling with poor saving-investment ratio as its one-fourth people lives below poverty line and the middle class at large spend more of their income in consumption. In such case FDI is much needed to push the economy from low level equilibrium trap. However Modi’s policy to further liberalise FDI, no doubt will appreciate foreign investors in the country as India remains the favorite destination for the investment in global crisis. But more than just investment India expects new and innovative technologies especially in defence sector from the foreign companies. However my concern is more about the future. When these multi giants companies will get establish, they might force domestic production houses to exit as they will be more technologically advance and cost efficient. So to combat such situation India policy makers have to keep an eagle eye over the market functioning. They must have to formulate policies by which they can use their technolo...

How Communalism Has Grown To Become A National Crisis In India

It needs to be understood that the future of India lies in secularism and any war against linguistic plurality, cultural or religious diversity will only break India. One is well aware of how India changes every 10 kilometers. The identity of India rests in its plurality and diversity which must be preserved. How Communalism Has Grown To Become A National Crisis In India : The future of India lies in secularism and any war against linguistic plurality, cultural or religious diversity will only break India.

Wage-labor and Capital Role

Image source; Anwarul Hoda              आज हम पूँजीवादी उत्पादन के आधिपत्य में रहते हैं, जिसमें आबादी का एक बड़ा और संख्या में दिनोंदिन बढ़नेवाला वर्ग ऐसा है, जो केवल उसी हालत में ज़िन्दा रह सकता है, जबकि वह उत्पादन के साधनों–यानी औज़ारों, मशीनों, कच्चे माल और जीवन-निर्वाह के साधनों–के मालिकों के लिए मज़दूरी के बदले काम करे। उत्पादन की इस प्रणाली के आधार पर मज़दूर के उत्पादन का ख़र्च जीवन-निर्वाह के साधनों की उस मात्रा के बराबर–या रुपये-पैसे की शक्ल में इन साधनों के दाम के बराबर–होता है, जो मज़दूर को काम करने योग्य बनाने, उसे काम के योग्य बनाये रखने और जब वह बुढ़ापे, बीमारी या मौत के कारण कार्यक्षेत्र से हट जाये, तो उसकी ख़ाली जगह को एक नये मज़दूर से भरने के लिए, अर्थात मज़दूर वर्ग की आवश्यक रूप में वंश-वृद्धि करने के लिए ज़रूरी है। मान लीजिये कि जीवन-निर्वाह के इन साधनों का नक़द दाम औसतन तीन मार्क प्रतिदिन है। इस प्रकार, हमारे मज़दूर को उस पूँजीपति से, जो उसे काम पर लगाता है, तीन मार्क रोज़ाना की मज़दूरी मिलती है। उसके बदले में पूँजीपति मज...

इंकलाब की तलवार विचारों की सान पर तेज होती है

असेम्बली बम काण्ड पर यह अपील भगतसिंह द्वारा जनवरी, 1930 में हाई कोर्ट में की गयी थी। इसी अपील में ही उनका यह प्रसिद्द वक्तव्य था : “पिस्तौल और बम इंकलाब नहीं लाते, बल्कि इंकलाब की तलवार विचारों की सान पर तेज होती है और यही चीज थी, जिसे हम प्रकट करना चाहते थे।”  माई लॉर्ड, हम न वकील हैं, न अंग्रेजी विशेषज्ञ और न हमारे पास डिगरियां हैं। इसलिए हमसे शानदार भाषणों की आशा न की जाए। हमारी प्रार्थना है कि हमारे बयान की भाषा संबंधी त्रुटियों पर ध्यान न देते हुए, उसके वास्तवकि अर्थ को समझने का प्रयत्न किया जाए। दूसरे तमाम मुद्दों को अपने वकीलों पर छोड़ते हुए मैं स्वयं एक मुद्दे पर अपने विचार प्रकट करूंगा। यह मुद्दा इस मुकदमे में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। मुद्दा यह है कि हमारी नीयत क्या थी और हम किस हद तक अपराधी हैं। विचारणीय यह है कि असेंबली में हमने जो दो बम फेंके, उनसे किसी व्यक्ति को शारीरिक या आर्थिक हानि नहीं हुई। इस दृष्टिकोण से हमें जो सजा दी गई है, वह कठोरतम ही नहीं, बदला लेने की भावना से भी दी गई है। यदि दूसरे दृष्टिकोण से देखा जाए, तो जब तक अभियुक्त की मनोभावना का पता न ल...


INTOLERANCE AND COW POLITICS India, which was once known for its integrity and diverse nature, is no more a tolerant nation. Peace and non-violence which was the dream of Mahatma Gandhi has remained merely a dream. Atrocity and barbarianism has become a part of our culture. From the ongoing incidents it seems like intolerance among Indians is increasing because of cultivation of politics of hate and the behaviour shows India is tending towards an era of barbarism and the civilization of illiterate where nobody thinks on his own but believes whatever religious and political leaders say. Here sentiments are much more worthy than life of human beings. A man is lynched just because of a rumor that he had consumed beef. Condemning the Dadri incident former Supreme Court judge Markandey Katju said, “What could be more unfortunate than this that a man is killed on the basis of rumour and for no other reason”, during a lecture at Banaras Hindu University. Incident like Dadri have becom...

विद्यार्थी और राजनीति

इस बात का बड़ा भारी शोर सुना जा रहा है कि पढ़ने वाले नौजवान(विद्यार्थी) राजनीतिक या पोलिटिकल कामों में हिस्सा न लें। पंजाब सरकार की राय बिल्कुल ही न्यारी है। विद्यार्थी से कालेज में दाखिल होने से पहले इस आशय की शर्त पर हस्ताक्षर करवाये जाते हैं कि वे पोलिटिकल कामों में हिस्सा नहीं लेंगे। आगे हमारा दुर्भाग्य कि लोगों की ओर से चुना हुआ मनोहर, जो अब शिक्षा-मन्त्री है, स्कूलों-कालेजों के नाम एक सर्कुलर या परिपत्र भेजता है कि कोई पढ़ने या पढ़ानेवाला पालिटिक्स में हिस्सा न ले। कुछ दिन हुए जब लाहौर में स्टूडेंट्स यूनियन या विद्यार्थी सभा की ओर से विद्यार्थी-सप्ताह मनाया जा रहा था। वहाँ भी सर अब्दुल कादर और प्रोफसर ईश्वरचन्द्र नन्दा ने इस बात पर जोर दिया कि विद्यार्थियों को पोलटिक्स में हिस्सा नहीं लेना चाहिए। पंजाब को राजनीतिक जीवन में सबसे पिछड़ा हुआ(Politically backward) कहा जाता है। इसका क्या कारण है?क्या पंजाब ने बलिदान कम किये हैं? क्या पंजाब ने मुसीबतें कम झेली है? फिर क्या कारण है कि हम इस मैदान में सबसे पीछे है?इसका कारण स्पष्ट है कि हमारे शिक्षा विभाग के अधिकारी लोग बिल्क...